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The Team

Who We Are


Leon Weber

Head Pastor

It all began when God planned a visit to Leon Weber while he was living life in darkness.  He was a strong young man who had an ear to hear; he was seeking. At twenty-seven, he knelt down, at a full gospel church, and gave his heart to Jesus. Months later, God began speaking regarding a vision for the future. It was a vision of ministry and teaching God’s people. Years later, countless lives have been changed and affected by the gospel Pastor Leon Weber preaches. The call of God answered by a young man many years ago is still bearing fruit today.
Pastor Leon, as his congregation affectionately calls him, carries a true shepherd’s heart along with a simple, dynamic ability to teach and bring forth revelation from God’s Word. His simple, yet in-depth teaching style is a favorite among his listeners. His life is one of overcoming areas of addictive behavior and has a deep understanding of the grip is has on men and women. God’s hand is upon him as he takes not only the Word of God, but experiences to bring the insight needed to set the captives free. Pastor Leon is known as an Ambassador of Grace and Mercy. He has been blessed with a heart for restoration and carries this to all he touches. He has his wife, Denise (over 40 years) by his side, and his two sons with him in ministry. Denise says, "Leon is a man of integrity.  No matter what he has faced, I have watched him walk it out from his heart, like King David. I fully support him in his efforts and direction."
Together the Weber’s have pastored three churches, worked on staff with others and traveled ministering the gospel.  Their callings have been proven by many being raised up in ministry under their leadership with fruit that remains. Grace Christian Fellowship was founded by Leon and Denise and it is their life’s work. Grace has a strong mandate from God to reach the fallen and lost with His love and mercy. "It’s been the hardest work we have yet to do, say the Weber’s, but absolutely the most rewarding."

Denise weber

Head pastor

​Denise was born again by a dramatic interaction with the Holy Spirit in 1980. She has a heart to see people walk in the fullness of what God has for them. She has a strong heart for those that hurt and sees the church as a place of healing.  She knows how to overcome and remain steadfast in life in the face of hardship. She is the mother of two sons and has stood by her husband’s side in ministry. God has used Denise in prayer for many years and her seasoned obedience has brought forth many sons and daughters into the kingdom. She is a seer and is used in the prophetic. Friendship is a strong call on Denise's heart. True Godly called women who will stand in covenant friendship with her is her heart's cry. The church world has been known for its betrayal and killing of its own. She has a heart to change that reality and to make a difference by establishing covenant friendships that are eternally blessed. It's all about real people doing the right thing.


Jason & Rebecca Henrichson


Jason and Rebecca Henrichson, have been ordained for ten years, serving at a ministry before relocating to the Little River area. Their primary calling is to teach people through the Scripture and by example how-to walk-in power. They say that God led them to Grace Christian Fellowship to introduce them to a ministry that accepts people as Christ does, loves like the Church should love and teaches the goodness of God. Jason is an excellent teacher, serving on mid-week study.

Lenny & Barbara Jackson


Lenny has been ordained since 2008. His loving partner and wife went to heaven in 2023. He stands ready to serve the Lord and loves the Word of God. He is the Visitation Pastor for Grace and teaches Healing School. Lenny has a strong prophetic gift and is used by the Lord to build the Kingdom of God. He married Barb in 2025, together they are serving the Lord as a great team.

Mike & Penny Merritt


Pastor Mike was called to preach in August of 1981. He and Penny have started 4 churches and pastored Abundant Life Faith Church Inc for 20 years semi-retiring in 2016. Prior to Pastoral ministry, they traveled throughout the US as the Merritt Singers recording 6 albums. Pastor Mike graduated from Rhema Bible College in 1986 receiving his license and ordination by Kenneth Hagin ministry. Pastor Mike brings to Grace a message of redemption and faith.

Debbie Stanley


Debbie has a Ph.D. and retired in 2012 after 32 years in education as a public school educator and Early Childhood professor of the University of South Carolina and Coastal Carolina University.  She has written and presented various articles on diversity in the public-school classroom. Debbie, called into ministry as an Evangelist, speaks with Holy Spirit inspired words from heaven.  She has been an ordained minister since 1994.

Melvin & Tammy Fields


Melvin is one of our lead vocals in our Praise Team, he teaches mid-week Bible study, has a great pulpit presence and his love for the Lord shows in all he does. He finished Bible School with AFCMITC. Melvin was ordained under Grace in 2018. Grace welcomes Melvin and his lovely wife Tammy into ministry at Grace. 

Joe & Barb Celentano


Joe & Barb have servants hearts and it shows in all they do. He is part of the leadership in the Men's Ministry and speaks at Mid-week services. Barb works in several areas of the ministry at Grace and is much loved by all. They were ordained in 2025 as associate pastors in Grace. 

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